Friday, October 30, 2009

Most Likely the Last Ballad Entries

This is my last set of posts. Unless I make it to the library before it closes. Mornings are hard for me, but Ballad is worth it! It has been a lot of fun taking these pictures. I think the people I dragged with me are surprised at how much fun they had too!
I would like to say that the picture with the police was the result of a scuffle between me trying to take a picture in the store and they were trying to throw me out. But I wouldn't stand for it! So we all fought back and it got bloody. Campus Safety was called and we were drug out. But they smiled nice for the camera.
Like I said, I would like to say that. But really, they were standing right next to the outside of the book store and I asked if they would join our group. Interesting maybe fact: I've heard that Campus Safety used to carry guns on campus, but when patrolling the Administration Building, they got spooked and shot the life sized statue of Abraham Lincoln on the second floor. I don't know if it is true, but there is a bullet sized hole on his hip.

On a completely different note: The fabulous Maggie Stiefvater has posted her process of starting a story. I found it fantastically useful. I write. But I don't finish. I'm trying to finish though. I feel I can't tell people I write, because I never finish anything. And I don't like telling people anything about my stories. I wonder if it is the same with other writers, but I don't like telling people what I'm writing about or show any one. I don't know why. I just feel the characters are mine and I don't want to share! Yes, I know I sound like a three year old hoarding her imaginary friends. And that is the other thing, I feel crazy telling people that my characters won't let me sleep because they keep talking.


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